I know it's almost two weeks after Halloween, but it's hard to find time to write a blog. Not only because of my demanding Izzie but I'm also obsessed with Desperate Housewives. I know, I know a lot of people have strong opinions about this show, but I like it. I've seen every episode, but it's amazing how much you forget about the earlier seasons.
So we had our first Halloween with Izzie. We didn't go trick-or-treating because lets face it that would be silly. I did however take her to grandma and grandpas and also up to the great-grandparents houses. Izzie was a bumble bee. I didn't want to buy a costume for her since she would never wear it again and who knows if I'll ever have another baby that is one-three months during Halloween so, I made her costume. I really only made part of it and then I was just inventive with the rest. Basically the only thing I really made was the tutu. I got a black onsie and used yellow electrical tape for the stripes. This way I can use the onsie again. She already had the black leggings and headband, so I added pipe cleaners for antenna and put a puffy ball on top. Tada! It only cost me a total of 15 dollars compared to the 30 dollar costumes I could buy. Plus it was a lot more fun.
I have to tell you that she must have gotten really stimulated from all the passing around from Halloween because that was the first night she slept for 6 hours straight. I was super excited. Even more exciting is that she has for the last three nights slept for 8-9 hours. The first night she did this Andy woke me up to see if I had fed her yet. We got super worried when we found out that she hadn't woken us up for nine hours that we decided we needed to make sure she was okay. SHE WAS, and I was very thankful for the sleep. I hope her sleeping through the night is becoming habit.
Andy and I had our first night out together without Izzie. We went and saw Skyfall with friends. The movie was great! If your a Bond fan then I would go see it. Lets just say that I had a lot of anxiety about leaving her. We left her with grandma and grandpa who are very capable and I new she was safe, but I was still worried. It went way better then expected and I didn't need to worry at all.
We had some professional pictures taken of Izzie. This one is one of my favorites. The rest are on my facebook if you're interested.
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